Technical support
General terms and conditions for technical support are available at this link (be sure to read these terms, all solutions from the team MaxiCart developers come with limited technical support).
Technical support is not provided via phone calls or direct e-mails; all assistance is provided through tickets and helpdesk. Carefully study the module documentation and technical support terms before creating a request.
Please note that for answering a question that is already described in the documentation, the support specialist has the right to deduct points from you.
Please note that for answering a question that is already described in the documentation, the support specialist has the right to deduct points from you.
To install the add-on you need to complete the following steps:
- Go to the Marketplace and log in under the account of the order owner
- Go to the order with the module “Login via SMS and two-factor authentication”, there you can see a link to download the module archive
- Install the downloaded archive in your store (standard for CS-Cart installation: Add-ons → Manage add-ons, select in the gear menu Manual installation, download the archive in the window that appears and click the Install button.
Working with built-in functionality
This section provides information solely on the functions that "Login via SMS and two-factor authentication" adds.
We strongly recommend that you read the documentation for using CS-Cart before starting to work with the add-on.