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Ошибки в оформлении интернет-магазина - работа с корзиной

today 11/11/2022
timer 10

More and more online stores are opening every day, and everyone wants to do better, more conveniently, and stand out from the competition. We begin to analyze the main mistakes made in the development and design of an online store. And let's start with such an element as a basket.

The main mistakes of your online store - working with the basket

According to the Baymand Institute, 69.99% of users abandon carts without making a purchase.

The reasons for this may be as follows:

  • Analysis of goods and prices on other sites
  • Readiness to buy later
  • Studying information about the company

These factors only depend a little on your site and how the basket is designed. They will always be. But there are several mistakes allowing you to lose your customers additionally. Let's talk about them in more detail.

The main mistakes in the process of choosing a product and directly adding it to the cart

  1. Shopping cart in an unexpected place

    Every website owner (or web designer) wants to make their website unique and creative. But we must not forget that the user already has a certain stereotype about the site's overall structure, in particular, the location of the basket and its appearance.

    You should not place the basket where it will not be looked for (upper right corner). It is also inappropriate to experiment with variations of the basket (replacing it with other icons or leaving only the word).

  2. Register to add to the cart

    Of course, if a user comes to your site knowing he would buy goods from you because there are no analogs, he will go through such registration. But, since we know that the competition in the online trading market is huge, unnecessary actions can push a potential buyer to choose competitors.

    It is much more logical to leave the registration procedure directly to the ordering procedure.

  3. The button does not work or does not work correctly

    This is a fairly obvious point, but it is worth taking care not only that the tool is present but also that it performs its function. When you click the "Add to Cart" button, the buyer should see changes in the button's color, and the corresponding window should also open.

    We recommend adding a "Back to shopping" button or similar to the cart, as it is likely that the user, after going to the cart, will remember that he forgot to add something else or want to change his choice, or check if something needs to be ordered. If there is no such button, a person may have an opinion that his choice will not be saved if he goes to the main menu, or he simply does not want to perform unnecessary actions.
  4. Product information

    Be sure to indicate whether the product is in stock and whether it is possible to order it now. At a time like this, users especially want to check if the store is open. So show the user that the product is "in stock."

    However, do not oversaturate this block. Here it is quite possible to limit yourself to the name, price, quantity of goods, and a link to it.
  5. Delivery and payment information

    Immediately show the terms of delivery and payment that you offer. This information should not come as a surprise to the buyer at the time of ordering.

    6. Unwanted functionality

    Some online stores add a feature where double-clicking the "Buy" or "Add to Cart" button removes an item from it. This is inconvenient and incomprehensible to the buyer.

The main mistakes in the process of editing the selection and checkout

  1. Inflexible editing functionality

    Perhaps, when choosing goods, a person accidentally chose the wrong number of goods or made a mistake with the color/size. And change the decision, looking at the final cost.

    In any case, it will be convenient if you can adjust your choice right in the basket. For example, the "+" and "-" buttons are available, which will edit the quantity, and so on.

  2. The unsuccessful appearance of the list of goods

    It would be a mistake to create a shopping cart with only a text description of the products. Add a photo of the order, so the person will remember precisely what the order looked like and understand if everything went well.

    We also recommend adding a link to the product card so that the buyer can once again check all the necessary characteristics.

  3. Removing items from the shopping cart

    The "Empty Cart" button is too similar to "Checkout" or is too close to no. Generally, it's always better to visually distinguish between actions like "delete" and "done."

    The well-thought-out functionality for returning accidentally deleted goods will also be user-friendly. For example, if the user accidentally clicks the cross, don't delete the product immediately; show it gray and inactive first, and add a "Restore" button for some period. It certainly won't be redundant.

    In addition, please note that if, after emptying the cart, the user sees emptiness, this does not incline him to subsequent purchases. Phrases such as "It's empty" and "There is nothing in the basket" have a somewhat negative attitude. It is better to replace them with CTA phrases like "Select products to appear in the basket" or add a button "Start shopping."

  4. No total

    Most people, when adding products to the cart, expect to see the total amount of the goods (preferably at least tentatively, but also indicate the cost of delivery)

  5. Additional products and promotions

    Of course, offering promotional or similar/complementary products to order is a good idea. But they should be provided only on similar topics and unobtrusively.

    Before placing an order, remind you to enter a promotional code or show the opportunity to choose a promotional offer (for example, how it works in Dominos pizzeria, before placing an order, you can select a promotion from the list, "every second pizza 50% discount", "sauce for a large pizza as a gift" and so on).


It is not in vain that we always mention that there are no trifles in working with sites. However, such a seemingly insignificant detail can affect the User experience of your potential customers.

The main tips can be summarized as follows:

  • User-friendliness over creative solutions
  • Do not add unnecessary information to the cart, overload the user with registration when adding products, etc.
  • Make sure that all buttons work correctly. Then, you can continue shopping and edit your choice directly from the basket.

For this and other elements of your online store to bring the desired conversion, you can always contact us for its creation and promotion.

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